Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Assault on American Culture

Does this offend you? Why? What is it about this historical symbol that has been making some so upset? Or is it just another attempt at the liberal left to censor our environment all in the name of offensive or racism?
For the past 20 years or so there has been a subtle assault on the American Culture. It began with the “banning” of bad language, the N-Word, R-Word and so on. Apparently these words were so terrible that they had to be banned from use. However, this did not apply to certain groups. So tell me why should one group get a free pass at using the n-word with no repercussions but other groups aren’t allowed? That’s called a double-standard which is wrong.  If it’s so wrong, then NO ONE should be allowed to use it…period. That is where the disease of political correctness begins, the censoring of the language all in the name of offensiveness and racism. But, this was only the beginning on the assault on the American Culture.
We then come to a comedy club in Nashville where Tracy Morgan a very well-known comedian was performing. And as with many comedians he did what some would say was inappropriate or offensive material on the gay community. Not soon after the LGBT community was up in arms all offended with what Tracy had said in his act. And my first question is “What is wrong with these people that they can’t take a comedic jab?” He’s a comedian performing comedy in a comedy club. And of course Morgan got labeled that the jokes were homophobic and etc. That’s how the liberals or “progressives” go on the attack, they put labels on people especially if you don’t agree with them. But this is a comedian in a comedy club. But being so uptight this one guy started a shit storm over nothing completely blowing it out proportion to the point that Morgan was “forced to make an apology with a gun to his head”. There was nothing to apologize for except the fact that the person that was offended was a selfish self-important narcissistic asshole that could not take a joke. So instead of just dealing with it, he had to make sure that Morgan’s future was threatened and forced an apology that was not needed or warranted. The censoring of the language was only the beginning of the assault.
This liberal infiltration of the society is the result of those that were born after the World War II and the Great Depression. Growing up spoiled and coddled in universities they ended up turning against all they had been given. And not showing any appreciation for all that those that dealt with the Great Depression and World War II and what they did for them. Instead of the universities being institutions of learning, they are nothing more than indoctrination centers for the Howard Zinn’s and the Saul Alinsky’s of the world. As radicals, their goal is to destroy from within. Of course it has taken some time for the influence to become more prevalent as we see today.
However, their influence has become more obvious especially in recent times. Many times there are attacks upon or society where our basic civil rights are being used against us to further their agenda. Continual attacks on religion, race and other characteristics of the American life are being done as a destabilization to further their goals. The purpose of Free Speech is so people can speak their mind without any persecutions. However in the liberal mindset, this is all well and good as long as people agree with them. Any opposing viewpoints results in the false outrage and attacks upon those that do not agree. Of course this is done with an extreme response so they continually beat on their opponents until they capitulate.
Speech is only part of the continual assault on the American Culture. Multiculturalism is the other buzzword that the liberals like to use. That we must be tolerant of other cultures and must favor their ways instead of the existing ones. How about we come to the reality that multiculturalism is a farce pushed on us. At the beginning of the 20th century there were large amounts of immigration to the U.S. and the big difference between those immigrants and the current influx is that the previous immigrants not only assimilated into the existing society but also wanted to be part of the society. Current immigration trends thanks to the liberal ideology is that the current immigrants do not have to assimilate but the society must change for them. It does not work that way, if one relocates to another nation. It is expected that the one relocating assimilate to the society they are relocating into, not the society change for them. Because of this multiculturalism ideology, the existing society is expected to change for them. A perfect example is the push to be more tolerant so a major Christian holiday has to be changed for them, regardless of what the majority is that that time. There is no logic here, it is not a holiday tree, and it is a Christmas tree. Get over it. This is just a small sample of how the liberal ideology is being pushed on American Culture and attempting to force a “fundamental change” in American society.
This brings me to my initial question about the symbol above. Why would something like that be so wrong and offensive? Granted a great many people do associate it with the Civil War, but the Civil War was not only just about slavery. There were a great many other factors that lead up to that plus the flag above was not the flag of the Confederacy. However as usual people have viewpoints on symbolism that become very different. This is a very common site in the southern part of the U.S. and the only people that seem to find it offensive are always those that find EVERYTHING offensive. Heaven forbid that someone get their feelings hurt, poor babies. Do you need a diaper change?
Of course it only starts with the Confederate flag and then it moves to other items such as Confederate monuments. Or the moron from the NY Post that wants “Gone with the Wind” to go away. And the best one of the extreme stupidity is from CNN anchor - Ashleigh Banfield who wants the Jefferson Memorial removed because he owned slaves. This is the insanity of the liberal mindset, winning one battle isn’t enough for them. They want a utopia where there is no racism, equality for everyone, no violence, where everyone gets a long and sings Kumbaya. This sets a very bad precedence which needs to be pushed back against. Because the liberal bullies will keep pushing until they get others to get tired and capitulate to their whims. Our Founding Fathers did not fight for their freedoms and this country for it to be ruined by a bunch of sensitive crybabies that are soft and offended at everything. We all have fantasies but the liberal mindset that is working overtime to destroy the American Culture drinks their own special brand of Kool-Aid where they can tell the Heaven’s Gate people hello.

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